It’s the bottom of the second inning, two outs, and a runner on first base, with Kanemaru (9th batter) at-bat. He hits between the 1st and 2nd base but Kawabata succesfully stops it. The crowd cheers, calling Hachiya-ouji’s defense the “Iron wall fortress”. Despite the runners moving to make an opportunity, their fielders shifted in preparation for that hit to the right.

Seidou is admiring Hachiya-ouji’s defense as that hit would typically have made it through. Both Kuramochi and Haruichi commend on Kawabata’s skill, saying that he moves differently from the rest (i.e. his skill is on a different level from the others). The nice play from Kawabata energizes their team as they prepare for their attack.

However, Furuya shuts them out completely with consecutive splitters, all in the zone. Arai-kantoku realizes that Miyuki may have figured out that they were targetting Furuya’s fastball and went with all breaking balls instead. Meanwhile, Hachiya-ouji remains in high spirits from being able to experience Furuya’s pitching from Senbatsu and can’t wait to take him down.

At Seidou’s dugout, Sawamura greets Furuya with a drink who accepts it. Sawamura compliments Furuya that his breaking balls were good, even if his fastballs were just okay. Furuya responds that it looks like Sawamura won’t get a turn today. But Sawamura insists on preparing anyway because “you never know what could happen in the summer!”. Furuya notes that there is some sense in those words when Sawamura says it. Sawamura gets defensive and asks if Furuya was referring to his first game. Meanwhile, Sawamura continues to rile up the team, saying that “since it’s been awhile since we’ve seen good pitching from Furuya, you guys better start scoring a whole lot!!”. Furuya, of course, takes offense on Sawamura’s use of “awhile” there.

On the field, Kuramochi connects with the pitch, hitting it to the right field. Kawabata reaches to catch it but it just barely misses his glove. While Sawamura is noisily cheering for Kuramochi, Kuramochi thinks to himself that Sawamura should watch him closely today from the dugout. He then proceeds to steal the next base, even before the catcher was able to stop him.

Next up, Haruichi also makes a hit but Kawabata was able to get him out. However, Kuramochi makes it to the next base. Toujou is up next and he hits a grounder to second. Kawabata catches it but before he could do anything, Kuramochi makes it home and Seidou scores the first run in the match. One of the audience commented that one hit is like one run [for Kuramochi].
The chapter ends with Miyuki up next, and Kuramochi walking back to the dugout saying to himself that “you better continue our [scoring] streak, Captain!”.
Originally serialized in Shuukan Shounen Magazine Issue #20, 2019.
All images are copyrighted by Terajima Yuuji / Kodansha.
Team | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 計 |
八弥王子 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||||
青道 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
I really like the new dynamics between Furuya and Sawamura. I can’t seem to get over it and their interactions are like the highlight of the chapter to me more than the actual contents of the match. Sorry.
Okay, back to the match, I can’t help but think that Kawabata seems to be doing all the hardwork in this team. If every batter in every inning keeps connecting with the pitches, he’s going to wear himself out soon - or perhaps this is what the author is after? And also to highlight why Kuramochi-Haruichi is such a strong combo team?

Then there is Kuramochi, with what he said before he stole the next base. To me, it was a response to how he was unable to support Sawamura by scoring more in the previous match. It looks like it still grates on him. Perhaps it would be the same for Miyuki and Maezono who are up next?
Yup, can’t wait to see what happens next. I sure hope that the rest of the lineup keeps up this scoring streak!